


RDRS Bangladesh এর তথ্য সমূহ

RDRS in brief



Established in 1972 to assist with relief and rehabilitation of greater Rangpur-Dinajpur region immediately following the War of Independence of Bangladesh in 1971, the RDRS program evolved into a sectoral then comprehensive effort. Formerly the Bangladesh field program of the Geneva-based Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service, RDRS became a national development organization in 1997.


The rural poor and marginalized achieve meaningful political, social and economic empowerment, quality of life, justice and a sustainable environment through their individual and collective efforts.


RDRS works with the rural poor and their organizations in order: to establish and claim their rights as citizens; to build their capacity and confidence to advance their empowerment, and resilience to withstand adversity; and to promote good governance among local institutions and improved access by the marginalized to opportunities, resources and services necessary to fulfill decent lives.


  • Compassion, loyalty and commitment for, by and with the poor
  • Equality and participation
  • Integrity, dedication, and professionalism
  • Responsibility, accountability and transparency


RDRS is governed by a Board of Trustees comprising leading actors from the humanitarian sector in Bangladesh. Its programs run by a Management Committee consisted of  senior staff members. Regular co-ordination meetings are held involving management and supervisory staff from across RDRS.


RDRS Bangladesh is registered under NGO Affairs Bureau. Its registration number is 003; and registration date is 22 April 1981 with renewal on 17 May 2010.


RDRS is now a major multisectoral development agency focused on disadvantaged northwest Bangladesh. It provides development opportunities and services to around 1,600,000 landless and marginal families in 18 districts, and work with 375 community-based organizations (Federations) seeking to empower their grassroots members. RDRS maintains a staffing of over 3,000, over 90% of whom are field-based.


মোহাম্মদ সাইদুল আরীফ
জেলা প্রশাসক, কুড়িগ্রাম ।

মোঃ মিনহাজুল ইসলাম
অতিরিক্ত জেলা প্রশাসক ( সাবিক ), কুড়িগ্রাম ।

NGO সমূহ